The Best Dedicated Server Advice for 2019

When selecting an appropriate dedicated host you need to guarantee hosting for your specific requirement. In order to select the best dedicated hosting you need to know what specification best suits your specific requirements. This article aims to help you make an informed decision before purchasing your dedicated hosting service.

What is a dedicated server?

A dedicated server is a piece of physical hardware that hosting providers rent to end-users. End-users in-turn get access to their own machine which can remotely run specific tasks for said client. So it is worth noting that, a dedicated servers is just for a single user for a specific period of time. This single-user policy increases security when compared to shared hosting solutions (with multiple accounts stored on a server). The best dedicated hosting companies operate and maintain your physical dedicated server so you don’t have to. They ensure that each piece of hardware runs efficiently. They replace or repair broken hardware when required. This saves money for smaller businesses as replacing hardware can be costly.

Best times to switch to a dedicated server

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting offers businesses the same experience as a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost. However, users on premium VPS plans may see a sudden increase in regular traffic. This surge in new active traffic can lead to a reduce performance in your users’website hosting experience. Leading to slower loading pages for users. Upgrading to dedicated hosting to keep up with demand will increase performance leading to fast hosting and faster responding webpages. Unlike VPS hosting a dedicated server is one physical server you rent. Allowing you to make decisions regarding specific hardware specifications.

Dedicated server specification

There are many different dedicated servers with different set-ups to select from. Selecting the best one according to your needs can be a challenging task. Understanding the differences in hardware will help you make a more informed decision when selecting a dedicated server. Selecting a server optimised for your specification will result in fast hosting and a reliable service. Not only for you but your clients with a positive impact on your business.

Processor: The processor or CPU is a key component in any computing device. Being responsible for how fast data can be processed. You can measure a CPU’s processing speed in hertz (Hz). Faster processing speeds allow for faster data processing leading to faster hosting. If you require dedicated server hosting for processing large amounts of data, it is highly recommended that you select a dedicated service with a good CPU with fast processing speeds.

RAM: Before data is processed it needs to be stored. Random Access Memory (RAM) is a temporary short-term form of storage used for data before processing. Having more RAM allows more data to be stored before processing. While faster RAM allows data to be processed faster. Using enough RAM with good speeds compared to your processor will improve overall data processing. Resulting in faster hosting.


When selecting storage, it is important to know the difference between Hard Drives and Solid State Drives. Depending on your requirement selecting the wrong drive can impact server performance.

Hard Drive: If storing a lot of data on your dedicated server hard drives (HDD) are a excellent option. Allowing you to store large files on your server. Hard drives are not a good option for fast data processing due to having physical parts that move. Speeds are limited on physical moving parts.

Solid State Drive: If you require fast data processing over data storage solid state drives (SSD) are an ideal option. Unlike HDD’s SSD’s do not have moving parts therefore no physical limitations. Allowing for faster data processing speeds leading to faster hosting.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth in terms of dedicated servers is the maximum rate of data transmission from one server to another online. Restricting the speed and amount of data your dedicated server can transfer at any one time. To guarantee fast hosting, we recommend that you select the bandwidth option best suited to your consumption.

Uses for dedicated servers

File / database server

To save space on your network you can use dedicated servers for storage. Storing files on dedicated servers allows you to access your files anywhere with an internet connection. For those working on group project dedicating hosting is a great option. Allowing you and your team to update work ensuring all members have access to the most updated documents. If using for file storage, ensure enough bandwidth is selected for fast transfer speeds.

Dedicated servers can function as database servers to optimise data analysis. You can use custom software for data analysis, data manipulation, data storage and any other tasks required for your data base.

Website hosting

Before purchasing dedicated hosting for website hosting it is highly recommended you checkout Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting first. Dedicated website hosting is typically for websites that handle a lot of traffic constantly to ensure fast hosting. Multiple Virtual private servers are typically on a single server with isolated partitions. On the contrary, dedicated hosting offers each subscriber an entire physical server. This offers you more customisability over hardware. Plus, the ability to choose from different hardware specifications allows you to optimise your server guaranteeing fast hosting.

Run a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

Companies with employees over the world may require voice communications. Using normal telephone lines globally to communicate can be costly. Using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can save a lot of money. Renting a dedicated server allows businesses to benefit from VoIP communications. Allowing employees to download software to connect to one server to establish voice communications with other employees. Instead of using multiple telephone networks to navigate calls. Reducing costs as multiple telephone networks will no longer be required. Improving call quality as calls will travel to one server and not multiple.

Final thoughts…

Understanding how dedicated servers work allows you to make more informed decisions regarding selecting servers. Knowing what Bandwidth, Processing speed, RAM and storage requires reduces the risk of over spending on services you don’t require.

To reduce the chance of selecting dedicated hosting when not required we recommend you read about VPS hosting. VPS hosting is significantly cheaper than dedicated hosting and can save you money.