White Label Hosting

White Label Hosting: What is it? How does it works?

As e-commerce habits continue to expand across the globe, more and more people are creating online businesses to increase their reach. All of these potential website owners need web hosting in order to start. With so many people searching for internet real estate, there is a market for creating a business that to provide these … Read more

setting up website

Hosting Account: How to Get Started?

To begin, let’s answer the number one question, “what is web hosting?” If you want to build a website, finding a somewhere suitable to host your site is an important place to start. Web hosting is a service that allows you to publish a website on the internet. A web host, or web hosting service … Read more


Website Building in 7 Easy Steps

Start building a website in no time at all by following our 7 easy steps. Rather than wasting your hard-earned cash on hiring a web design company, take matters into your own hands. With so many fantastic and easy-to-use website building platforms on the internet, there’s no reason not to give it a shot. Understandably, … Read more

10 Ways to Speed up your Website for Users

A fast website load time is essential for running a successful website. Online users have very short attention spans and studies show that users expect websites to load within 2 seconds. If your site is bogged down with huge images, broken links, and other debris that slows down your load time, it could really cripple … Read more


Email Security: Protecting Yourself against Phishing Scams

Overview As a rule of thumb, we all know that we should not click on random links in emails. However, sometimes even the most tech savvy of us fall prey to a good phishing scam. Phishing is a technique used by cyber criminals and hackers to trick users into giving up sensitive information, from financial … Read more

Start an online store

How to Start an Online Store

So, you have a product, idea or service and you are ready to open an online store, but where do you begin? Of course, having an online store is much more advantageous than owning a physical store front with a monthly overhead. However, beginning can be quite daunting for someone who isn’t a web page … Read more

Perfect Domain

How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name

The time you invest into choosing your domain name is crucial to the success of your online brand. Consider your domain name as your brand’s identity. This is the name by which your customers will associate you with for the long haul, so if you are going to make that commitment you better be prepared … Read more