What a Meta Title is and How to use it to Boost Sales

A good meta title will send your website skyrocketing to page one in Google’s search results. A boring, unimaginative, uninspiring one will plummet your website to the unplumbed depths of page twenty-two. It’s not enough to sell high-quality products. You also need to make sure potential customers see the products you want them to buy.

We want your website to do well. That’s why we’ve created an industry-standard SEO tool, it’s why we’ve made it easy to manage your website using cPanel, and it’s also why we’ve written this guide to demystify the secret to writing a meta title that makes your customers click. Let’s get into it.

 What is a meta title?

Whenever you enter a search term in any popular search engine, you’ll see a list of search results. Those search results will usually have one line at the top that stands out. Sometimes, that line will be written in a different-coloured font, and usually, that line is much bigger than the rest of the webpage’s previewed content. That one line that stands apart from the rest is the meta title.

Simply put, it’s the title of the webpage. If you type into your search engine, “Why is my dog snickering at me behind my back?” You’ll see search results that say “Signs your dog doesn’t like you” in huge, blue letters. Plus, it’s followed by some content from the blog post, then the big, blue letters are your meta title.

Meta title example


Why is your meta title important?

A captivating meta title gets your customers to click on your website. A boring one will have them scrolling past your site to get to other, more interesting websites. If that happens enough, your website won’t show up in the top search results at all.

Luckily, there are some steps that even beginners can take to craft a captivating meta title.


How to use a meta title to boost sales

1. Highlight what’s special about your offering

Remember: You’re trying to get people to click on your website. If you’re having a sale on sweaters, you could write a vague meta title like: Sweaters on Sale. That’s what the people at the bottom of the search results would write. If you want to stand out from the lame websites that never get clicks, you’d write a title like this:

Shop Genuine Cashmere Sweaters   SALE Up to 70% OFF!

This meta title includes several things that make your offer stand out: Your sweaters are made of genuine cashmere (a coveted material in the world of outerwear), and they’re on sale for up to 70% off.

Other title-worthy things that might get your customers to click are.

  • Free shipping
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Buy two, Get one free
  • 25% off your first order

2. Put your verbs right at the front

A meta title is no time for waffling. You don’t want to write something like “Would you like to buy our genuine cashmere sweaters?” or “You really should try our sweaters. (They’re genuine cashmere.)” Put your verbs right at the front: Shop Genuine Cashmere Sweaters.

3. Add a keyword

Always try to include a keyword in your meta title. And put your main keyword as early in the meta title as possible. If your keyword is “silk necktie”, then “silk necktie” should be within the first two words of your title. Putting your main keyword early in the title helps search engines figure out which keyword you’re trying to position.

4. Keep it short and sweet

Most search engines won’t show beyond the first 55-60 characters of your meta title before cutting it off. So, try to keep your meta titles around 50 characters. When you do that, not only will your customers be able to read your title quickly, but search engines will show your entire keyword. Plus, you won’t have wasted time coming up with a catchy title your visitors will only see half of.

5. Attract loyal customers

If you have a loyal fanbase of customers, include your store’s name in your meta title. Customers are usually pretty cautious their first time buying from a store – especially when that store only exists online. But if your customers had a good first-time experience with your store, they’ll be likely to spend even more their second time around! That’s because they now know you’re not trying to steal their identity.

What’s more, they’ll actually receive the products they buy from your store. To attract those high-paying repeat customers, put your store’s name in your meta title.


The Takeaway

Your meta title is the deciding factor when customers are scrolling through all the websites that show up in their search results. Don’t sabotage your sales rates by choosing a title that droops like a wet dishrag, doing nothing for your website. Choose a short, specific meta title with front-loaded keywords and watch your sales soar!