When you create a new website or begin working with a new web designer, it is practically a given that you will be asked about hosting at some point. Specifically, who is accountable for the majority of the coordination of the site hosting?
Letting your web designer own your domain or handling it yourself is a decision that is entirely up to you. The decision to have your web designer own your domain comes with potential downsides. Two of our customers currently have a dilemma in which they do not have authority over their domain names because their web designers have taken over that control from them. Such problems can be avoidable if you register your own domain rather than relying on solely on web designers (or other professionals).
Instead of surrendering management of your domain over to a web design business in the hope that the partnership will always be healthy, you will have access and control over many other accounts when you own your domain. Owning your domain means you have access and can own your accounts, including Google Analytics, WordPress, and Google Search Console, which you can use at will. Let’s look at some possible solutions to this problem, shall we?
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What is Web Hosting?
Before going any further, it is essential to know what web hosting is. For the benefit of people who are unfamiliar with the language used in web design, I will explain the following web design vocabulary.
When a web host makes space available on their server for a website’s files to be kept, they provide what is known as a hosting service for that website.
A website must be hosted on a server for its visitors to access and read the website’s content, including code and photos. To put it in more layman’s terms, Web hosting allows us to store all of your digital stuff in a virtual location online.
Why Control and Own Your Domain?

There is no denying that there are many good web designers out there. However, there is equally the same number of manipulative and opportunistic web developers. Internet novices and seasoned veterans are susceptible to the deceptive practices of these web designers. The vast majority of people, owing to their lack of knowledge, are taken advantage of, and the expert in whom they placed their trust ultimately ends up seizing their domain name and holding it for ransom.
Since the beginning of the Internet, there have been Web designers who have engaged in the practice of “online land grabbing.”
Quote These designers will have their customers pay for a domain name, but they will then designate themselves as the owner of the domain.
Don’t Hand Over Ownership to a Web Designer

Giving a web design business complete control of your domain is the same as throwing yourself entirely at their mercy and choosing to be ignorant about what they do with it. Even the most minor changes can result in astronomically high costs. Consequently, you may find yourself in a circumstance where your business relationship is no longer feasible.
Anything can go wrong to jeopardize the partnership, which could ultimately result in you losing not just your domain but also the name associated with it. You’ll rely on your web designer’s responsiveness and willingness to make modifications if you ever need to make changes.
On the other hand, you can’t always bank on the circumstances being perfect at any given time. If you own your accounts and domain, you do not need to be concerned about the aforementioned concerns.
Quote At this point, you’ll be able to decide how much access the web designer requires and then grant it to them.
You are free to work with a different web designer and provide them access to your site if your current working partnership comes to an end.
To Prevent Being a Victim of Web Designers
Ensure You own Your Domain Name
Unless you own the domain name, you have no control over it. To get it back, the evil developer has to hand it over to you willingly, which is unlikely. If you are in such a circumstance, you have two options:
- Continue being at the mercy of the wicked web designers and be prepared to pay the hundreds or even thousands of pounds they want.
- Get control of your current domain and hosting from your web designer.
- Another option is to buy and register your own domain, transfer the site and all your inbound links.
Web Hosting Services are Not Free
If you’re looking for a reputable web host, you won’t find one that offers free hosting. Several web design businesses will assist, and some of them will even freely transfer your blog/ website for you. Hosting.co.uk offers free consultation service so you can check out this service. It’s imperative that you address the following two core elements:
- As a rule, you should be listed as the domain’s owner. As long as you are the owner, it’s fine to have them listed as a contact or tech. You can’t compromise on this one!
- For each hosting level and option, prices must be listed in writing. Create a second copy of your site files and back it up somewhere secure. This can’t be stressed enough. How come? Keep reading to discover out.
Renew Your Subscription When It’s about to Expire!
Make no assumptions about whether or not you’ll receive email notifications; they could go unnoticed due to your busy schedule, spam filters or both. Be sure to check in on your website(s) frequently.
As a precautionary measure, give your website the priority it deserves by making it the most important website on your home screen. This gives you quick access in case you fail to renew your domain on time.
Fight for Authority/Control
After you’ve put in the time, money, and effort to build your site’s popularity and authority, the wicked web designer will claim you’re using too much bandwidth and demand an increase in your hosting fees. Find out how much bandwidth you need before spending any money on it, and then look around for the most excellent bargain you can find on that amount of bandwidth.
Consider getting your own domain name and hosting your own website. The web design company may create and manage the site without having complete ownership. It allows you to administer your website as you see fit and make modifications, change hosting companies, or dismiss the website manager without asking permission. Opening up your accounts under your company’s name is, in our opinion, the ideal way to go about doing this. To select the fast and reliable web hosting for your site start here or contact and expert for guidance.