How to save a .org domain
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What is the .org domain?
The ‘.org’ top level domain is similar to ‘’, but it doesn’t restrict the website to an audience in the United Kingdom. This ending derives from the word ‘organisation’ and most often denotes a non-profit organisation, although there are no official restrictions on its use.
This top level domain is very common, and will lend a professional touch to organisations’ websites. Benefits of this ending include its memorability and its potential for global reach. Variations on this ending include the popular ‘’, which denote the same type of site intended for an audience in the United Kingdom, although there are variations specific to other countries as well.
Who should use the .org TLD?
This top level domain is often used by charities, communities, and schools – in fact, any type of non-profit organisation. This is a good top level domain for organisations that don’t wish to be restricted to one geographical audience, as it has global reach and is more likely to be picked up by search engines as part of a non-local search.
Examples of users who may choose this top level domain include educational institutions who don’t want to use the ‘.ac’ ending, such as providers of online courses, as well as those running community projects or offering information. Although ‘.org’ tends to suggest non-profit organisations, and will benefit these the most, it can also be used by for-profit organisations that don’t want to come across as too commercial.
For all our TLDs, please visit our overview of all domains!