Register your .team domain

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Register a .Team Domain

The .team top-level domain is an alternative to more popular TLDs such as .com, but it is not typically used as an alternative if the .com version of a domain name is taken. The word “Team” implies a more personal website that is used by staff members or your project team members. It is often used for websites where teams collaborate to complete assignments and projects. Sports teams will often use the dot team top-level domain, especially if the team is named after an item, animal, plant, or location. For example, the may be taken by a town of the same name, and may be taken by the town’s sports team.

Who should use the .team Top Level Domain?

Recruitment agencies sometimes use the dot team TLD to redirect people from their main website. For example, once a person is under contract, they no longer use the .com version of the website (which is used for selling the service), and instead start to use the .team version of the website to view their jobs, assignments, pay and so forth. It is not only recruitment agencies that using dot team TLDs for this purpose, as any middle-to-large company may use it for this reason. Smaller teams and project workers may appreciate a dot team website, especially if the more popular top-level domains have been taken.