Register your .store domain
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Register .Store Domain
The dot store domain is a top-level domain that is typically used to host an eCommerce website. An eCommerce website allows users to buy items and services, which includes downloadable digital items and services. The .store top-level domain creates an expectation in the mind of the viewer, which is ideal if you actually place an eCommerce website on the domain name. Such domain types have a high recall value and may help clarify your call-to-action because people know that if they follow your link they will be led to an eCommerce website. It may be used to host an eCommerce website in cases where it would be inappropriate to host one on the main dot com website.
Who should use the .Store Top Level Domain?
Larger businesses and corporations tend to use them as an addition to their main website, and this type of top-level domain is also handy for creating and separating different brand websites that are owned by the same corporation. They are popular with medium-sized businesses that have added an eCommerce website after starting their main website. They are ideal for smaller businesses that have a physical location and want an online store to allow buyers to purchase items and services online.