Managing an E-COMMERCE site

Managing an eCommerce Website

In principle the idea of managing an eCommerce website is fairly straightforward. There are numerous packages out there, different hosting accounts and many ways to market your business. It is only when you sit down and consider the options that it becomes a little more complicated – where do you start?  What is the best … Read more

CPanel Price increase

Massive cPanel Price Increase. How Does This Impact Me?

cPanel has attracted negative attention from the web hosting community after it was announced their pricing plans would change. It turns out cPanel is moving away from their standard pay per server for unlimited cPanel accounts. Instead, they will use a new payment structure based on a pay per account system. Now cPanel users will … Read more

Diagnosing Malware

Diagnosing Malware: How to get rid of it

  Unfortunately, there are very few people who will not have come across malware on numerous occasions. They may see it flash up as a blocked intrusion on their antivirus software or they may need to remove the potentially dangerous malware from their system. In theory, malware is fairly simple to remove. Just use the … Read more

How to Migrate From Shared Hosting to VPS

  Most persons and organisations start their first website by using shared hosting services. However, as their online presence starts attracting more traffic they soon realise the need for more power, space and bandwidth. When that time comes, the obvious choice is simply to migrate from shared hosting to VPS hosting.   Understanding shared hosting … Read more

6 Benefits of Managed VPS

6 Benefits Managed VPS Can Have on Your Business

  Web hosting is the general term that refers to an internet service that makes it possible for businesses and individuals to publish their websites for viewing on the World Wide Web. A web hosting plan is a business expense and shouldn’t be taken lightly. You should look for a good plan that strikes the … Read more

Virtual Private Server for blogs

VPS for Blogs equals the perfect match. Here’s Why

  As a seasoned blogger, you’ve probably learned a lot about the hosting industry as a direct result of hosting your own website with a trusted hosted provider. However, your blog has begun to outgrow a shared hosting environment with the daily increase of traffic and you need a more vigorous hosting environment to handle … Read more

Web Hosting: then came bandwidth

Choosing the most appropriate type of web hosting for your site, VPS, dedicated server or a simple shared option, is obviously vital. Part of this process will involve calculating the estimated bandwidth you will require going forward. However, while many of us are well aware of the term bandwidth what exactly does it mean? Bandwidth … Read more

US Hosting Companies host the most popular pirate sites.

US Hosting Companies host the most Pirate Sites

Web hosting is the backbone of the internet. It enables it to stand upright and support everything. Content remains the lifeblood of the internet and is the reigning force that keeps the machine going. But what happens when those two things clash? When hosting companies do not have stringent rules in place for what their … Read more