7 Internet Security Tips for your Business

It is amazing to think that even in this day, with hacks reported every day, many business entrepreneurs still fail to install adequate Internet security for their websites. We know that hackers are an almost unstoppable force if we don’t fight the fight. So, it is best to install adequate security and most importantly, keep … Read more

Firewall Trends

Firewall Trends in 2020 and Why your Business Needs One

Operating a business online requires a certain level of security to ensure that your website is protected against hackers and cybercriminals. Regardless of the size of your business online, any website left unprotected is susceptible to cyber threats and a vulnerable to a full-scale cyber-attack. Cleaning up the mess and getting your site back up … Read more

12 Best Cybersecurity Practices for Company Website

Cybersecurity is a top priority for anyone building a brand on the internet. As a business owner, you wouldn’t allow just anyone to have unfettered access to your data, ideas, content, client list, customer base or any sensitive information about your company. When a website is vulnerable, however, that is exactly what happens. Without adequate … Read more

VPS perks your business might be missing out on

Your Business is Missing out without VPS Hosting

  VPS hosting is an alternative hosting solution with numerous benefits to shared hosting offering more customisability, Privacy and server power to clients. This article aims to highlight how cost effective and reliable VPS hosting is and the potential benefits to your website’s growth. What Is VPS Hosting? VPS stand for virtual private server. By … Read more

Shared Hosting benefits

Run Your Website with Shared Hosting in 2019

As more people and businesses look to the Internet to increase their exposure, the subject of shared hosting is a hot topic. Web Hosting Providers offer three main options for website hosting.  Companies and individuals have the choice of dedicated servers, virtual private servers (VPS) or shared hosting servers. Depending on the Host, services and … Read more