How to Change The PostgreSQL Default Password

For effective and efficient website creation, a great web hosting platform and the right package are key components to have. The beauty of modern-day web hosting is that very little website building knowledge is needed. However, learning about some technical terms like SQL, PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL default password can be quite helpful. You don’t always have to rely on a computer science genius to bestow knowledge upon you, which may come at a cost. Read more

Brute Force

What is a Brute Force Attack & How to Prevent It?

If you own a website, a brute force attack is the stuff of nightmares. Even the name sounds terrifying. To make matters worse, misinformation can make attacks seem almost inevitable. You might start to feel like once a hacker has you in his sights, you may as well blow up your website yourself to save … Read more


Which is better: Webmail Email or Email Client?

With webmail you access your email anywhere you have an internet connection and a web browser, however, with an email client you can download all of your emails on the go and view them offline. So which is better, a email client or webemail? Read more

ways to secure your blog

5 Ways to Secure Your Blog in 2020

Blogging has progressed from being a landing pad of confessions as an online journal to being the best way to boost your marketing strategy online by providing quality, informative content and value to your customers and audience. Every day hundreds, if not thousands of blogs go live on the internet, but with the growing web … Read more