Gutenberg WordPress Editor

Gutenberg Block Editor Shaping the Web

Gutenberg is the new block WordPress editor that is shaping the world of Web design. If you have decided to use WordPress for your blog or website then you will have noticed the this new plugin already. Now that the plug-in has been on the table for a few months, we can give a righteous … Read more

Common Reasons WordPress Site get hacked

6 WordPress Security Issues that Expose your Site to Hacks

  If you own a WordPress site and you have questions about internet security this article can help you understand the security loopholes that hackers can exploit to attack your website. Likewise, if you’ve already been through a hacking attempt or a successful attack on your site and need to understand how they were able … Read more

How to handle a WordPress Hack

How to Handle A WordPress Hack

  WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) used today. It is for this reason it tends to attract the most hacking attacks, with just over 70% of WordPress Sites hacked according to a 2016 study by Sucuri. If a hacker accesses your server, it becomes vulnerable to the entire hacking community. Fortunately, … Read more

Take these steps if your WordPress account gets hacked

Urgent Steps to take if your WordPress Site gets hacked

One of the realities facing website owners since the dawn of the internet has been the potential of being targeted by hackers. Having your website hacked can be a very stressful, expensive, can destroy your SEO ranking, leave your visitors susceptible to viruses and malware and more importantly, it wounds your brand’s reputation with your … Read more

What to do after posting new content on your site.

WordPress: What to do Immediately After Posting

WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) which is extremely powerful if used correctly. One of the biggest mistakes made by bloggers and e-commerce websites is thinking your work is done once you have written and posted your WordPress blog. The truth is that your work is just beginning; you need to get … Read more

Reseller Hosting, White Label Hosting

Reseller Hosting: Your Success Starts Here

Web hosting is important because it forms the core of just about every kind of e-business (online Business) today. For any site to function, it needs a web server and hosting space for securing the files that are required for the website to work. Also, it’s a great business opportunity in itself, although not so … Read more

Fix SSL Certificate Erros

Fix SSL Errors: Easy Steps to Get on Track

The whole web is moving fast towards securing all websites. Securing websites ensures there is a faster and safer online experience for users. Delivering a site over HTTPS will help improve Search engines like Google, as they use it as a site ranking criterion. However, during migration from HTTP to HTTPS, an SSL error might … Read more


Need some help in building a website?

Web Designing Company   When in need of help in building your website you can contact a web designing company. Such a company is an organisation that offers website development creation services. These services include creation from scratch or upgrading of an existing one. In simple terms, it brings together web designers with a lot … Read more